22 research outputs found

    Toxicity of an aquatic microcontaminant on microalgae

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    [Resumen]: La producción de medicamentos y productos para la higiene ha aumentado considerablemente en los últimos años. En consecuencia, los análisis químicos de aguas superficiales detectan cada año concentraciones mayores de estas substancias. La mayoría de productos farmacéuticos llegan a las aguas dulces a través de las EDAR, donde no pueden ser eliminados por completo. Algunos de ellos, como el triclosán, son conocidos por su frecuente uso como antimicrobiano. Cuando este tipo de sustancias son liberadas al medio ambiente suponen un peligro potencial para la estabilidad de los ecosistemas. Uno de los microorganismos más afectados son las microalgas, las cuales son la base de las cadenas tróficas, por lo que estos productos tienen como consecuencia un gran daño a los ecosistemas acuáticos. Además, se ha observado que los factores físicos del ambiente pueden causar cambios en el metabolismo de los microorganismos haciéndolos más susceptibles a los efectos tóxicos de estos contaminantes. En la presente investigación se evaluaron en primer lugar los efectos negativos del triclosán sobre el microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard y finalmente la interacción de estos efectos con el incremento de la temperatura. Para ello se realizaron medidas de tres parámetros distintos: crecimiento, viabilidad y contenido en pigmentos. Se obtuvieron descensos significativos de estos parámetros a las 72 horas de exposición al triclosán que indican su toxicidad contra el microalga y se observaron diferentes tipos de interacciones entre la temperatura y el triclosán.[Resumo]: A produción de medicamentos e produtos para a hixiene aumentou considerablemente nos últimos anos. En consecuencia, os análises químicos de augas superficiais detectan cada ano concentracións maiores de estas sustancias. A maioría de produtos farmacéuticos chegan as augas doces a través das EDAR, onde non poden ser eliminados por completo. Algúns de eles, como o triclosán, son coñecidos polo seu frecuente uso coma antimicrobiano. Cando este tipo de sustancias cando son liberadas ao medio ambiente supoñen un perigo potencial para a estabilidade dos ecosistemas. Un dos microorganismos mais afectado son as microalgas, as cales son a base das cadeas tróficas, causando un gran dano aos ecosistemas acuáticos. Ademais, observouse que os factores físicos do ambiente poden causar cambios no metabolismo dos microorganismos facéndoos mais susceptibles aos efectos tóxicos de estes contaminantes. Na presente investigación avalouse en primeiro lugar os efectos negativos do triclosán sobre o microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard e finalmente a interacción de estes efectos con o incremento da temperatura. Para elo realizáronse medidas de tres parámetros distintos: crecemento, viabilidade e contido en pigmentos. Obtivéronse descensos significativos de estes parámetros ás 72 horas de exposición ao triclosán que indican a súa toxicidade contra o microalga e obtivéronse diferentes tipos de interaccións entre a temperatura e o triclosán.[Abstract]: The production of medicines and hygiene products has increased considerably in the past years. Consequently, chemical analysis of surface waters detect higher concentrations of these substances every year. Most pharmaceutical products reach the fresh water through the WWTP, where they can not be completely eliminated. Some of them, such as triclosan, are known for their frequent use as an antimicrobial. When these types of substances are released into the environment, they pose a potential danger to the stability of ecosystems. One of the most affected microorganisms are microalgae, which are the basis of trophic chains, so these products have a great impact on aquatic ecosystems. In addition, it has been observed that the physical factors of the environment can cause changes in the metabolism of microorganisms making them more susceptible to the toxic effects of these pollutants. In the present investigation, the negative effects of triclosan on the microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard were evaluated first. And finally was evaluated the interaction of these effects with the increase in temperature. For this reason, measurements of three different parameters were made: growth, viability and pigment content. Significant decreases in these parameters were obtained after 72 hours of exposure to triclosan, indicating their toxicity against microalgae, and different types of interactions between temperature and triclosan were observed.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía. Curso 2017/201

    A planificación enerxética baixo o prisma da teoría de Markowitz

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    [Resumo]: A cuestión de investigación principal céntrase en descubrir como a teoría de carteiras de Markowitz, metodoloxía contrastada e de amplía aceptación no eido financeiro, pode axudar ós responsables da planificación e aplicación de políticas enerxéticas na tarefa da planificación enerxética da súa carteira de tecnoloxías de produción de electricidade. Neste traballo proponse unha revisión do estado da arte sobre os distintos estudos que aplican a teoría de carteiras a activos reais de xeración de electricidade para deseñar carteiras eficientes dende o punto de vista do binomio custo-risco ou rendemento-risco do conxunto das tecnoloxías. O estudo inclúe a aplicación desta metodoloxía á carteira española de tecnoloxías para o periodo 2004-2014. Por último, expóñense os resultados desta aplicación á carteira española así como as conclusións ás que se chegan.[Abstract]: The main research question focuses on discovering how Markowit´s portfolio theory, proven methodology and widely accepted in the financial field, can help those energy responsible in the task of planning and implementation energy policies for their energy portfolio of technologies for electricity production. In this paper it´s proposed a review of the state of the art of various studies that apply the theory to real assets portfolios of electricity generation to design efficient portfolios from the standpoint of their cost-risk or performance-risk of the set of technologies. The study includes the application of this methodology to the Spanish portfolio of technologies for the period 2004-2014. Finally, the results of the application of this methodology to the Spanish portfolio for the period 2004-2014 are shown, as well as the conclusions.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ECO). Ciencias empresariais. Curso 2015/201

    Synthesis of Multiresolution Scenes with Global Illumination on a GPU

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    [Abstract] The radiosity computation has the important feature of producing view independent results, but these results are mesh dependent and, in consequence, are attached to a specific level of detail in the input mesh. Therefore, rendering at iterative frame rates would benefit from the utilization of multiresolution models. In this paper we focus on the rendering stage of a solution for hierarchical radiosity for multiresolution systems. This method is based on the application of an enriched hierarchical radiosity algorithm to an input scene with low resolution objects (represented by coarse meshes), and the efficient data management of the resulting values. The proposed encoding makes it possible to apply the color values obtained for the coarse objects to detailed versions of these objects during the rendering phase. These finer meshes are obtained by a standard mesh subdivision strategy, such as the Loop subdivision scheme. Our solution performs the whole rendering stage of this multiresolution approach on the GPU, implementing it in the geometry shader using Microsoft HLSL. Results of our implementation show an important reduction in computational costs

    Dereito á cidade: faladoiros e obradoiro de aprendizaxe servizo

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    O proxecto Dereito á cidade. Faladoiros e obradoiro de aprendizaxe-servizo foi desenvolvido no marco das accións contempladas na VIII Convocatoria de Educación para o Desenvolvemento, Sensibilización e Participación Social financiadas pola Oficina de Cooperación e Voluntariado da Universidade da Coruña, durante os meses de setembro e outubro de 2021.[Resumo] Esta publicación xorde como testemuña dos faladoiros desenvolvidos durante a actividade Dereito á Cidade, co-organizada pola Clínica de Casas da Escola Técnica Superior de Arquitectura da Universidade da Coruña, o Grupo de Apoio Mutuo de vivenda da Coruña e Refuxios da Memoria. Durante catro xornadas de aprendizaxe conxunta, membros da UDC e veciñanza conversaron en torno ao dereito á vivenda e os espazos da cidade, a criminalización da pobreza no acceso a estes dereitos e os xeitos de nos organizar colectivamente para a autodefensa

    Wastewater early warning system for SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks and variants in a Coruña, Spain

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract]: Wastewater-based epidemiology has been widely used as a cost-effective method for tracking the COVID-19 pandemic at the community level. Here we describe COVIDBENS, a wastewater surveillance program running from June 2020 to March 2022 in the wastewater treatment plant of Bens in A Coruña (Spain). The main goal of this work was to provide an effective early warning tool based in wastewater epidemiology to help in decision-making at both the social and public health levels. RT-qPCR procedures and Illumina sequencing were used to weekly monitor the viral load and to detect SARS-CoV-2 mutations in wastewater, respectively. In addition, own statistical models were applied to estimate the real number of infected people and the frequency of each emerging variant circulating in the community, which considerable improved the surveillance strategy. Our analysis detected 6 viral load waves in A Coruña with concentrations between 103 and 106 SARS-CoV-2 RNA copies/L. Our system was able to anticipate community outbreaks during the pandemic with 8-36 days in advance with respect to clinical reports and, to detect the emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants in A Coruña such as Alpha (B.1.1.7), Delta (B.1.617.2), and Omicron (B.1.1.529 and BA.2) in wastewater with 42, 30, and 27 days, respectively, before the health system did. Data generated here helped local authorities and health managers to give a faster and more efficient response to the pandemic situation, and also allowed important industrial companies to adapt their production to each situation. The wastewater-based epidemiology program developed in our metropolitan area of A Coruña (Spain) during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic served as a powerful early warning system combining statistical models with mutations and viral load monitoring in wastewater over time.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Funding for open access charge: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG. This work was supported by EDAR Bens S.A., A Coruña, Spain [grant references INV04020, INV12120, INV05921, and INV148721 to MP], by the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation funded by the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII), Spain—General Subdirection of Assessment and Promotion of the Research-European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) “A way of making Europe” [grant references PI15/00860 to GB, PI17/01482, and PI20/00413 to MP], by the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN) (Xunta de Galicia, Spain) [grant references IN607A 2016/22 to GB, ED431C-2016/015 and ED431C-2020/14 to RC, ED431C 2021/53 to SL and ED431G 2019/01 and COV20/00604 to RC and SL, by Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation (MINECO), Spain [grant references MTM2017-82724-R to RC], by the Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases [REIPI RD16/0016/0006 to GB], by the “Innova Saúde” Program, (INNOVAMICROLAB project) co-founded by the Galician Healthcare Service (SERGAS) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and by the Spanish Network of Research in Infectious Diseases (CIBERINFEC, ISCIII), and by the European Virus Archive Global (EVA-GLOBAL) project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 871029. SR-F was financially supported by REIPI RD16/0016/006, KC-P by IN607A 2016/22 and the Spanish Association against Cancer (AECC) and JAV by IN607A 2016/22. DP was funded by grant EPICOVIGAL FONDO SUPERA-COVID19 from Banco Santander-CSIC-CRUE, Spain, and grant CT850A-2 from (Health Knowledge Agency) ACIS SERGAS from the Consellería de Sanidade of Xunta de Galicia, Spain.EDAR Bens S.A.; INV04020EDAR Bens S.A.; INV12120EDAR Bens S.A.; INV05921EDAR Bens S.A.; INV148721Xunta de Galicia; IN607A 2016/22Xunta de Galicia; ED431C-2016/015Xunta de Galicia; ED431C-2020/14Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2021/53Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/01Xunta de Galicia; COV20/0060

    Antitumor Necrosis Factor Agents to Treat EndoscopicPostoperative Recurrence of Crohn’s Disease: A Nationwide Study With Propensity-Matched Score Analysis

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    INTRODUCTION:Patients with Crohn's disease experiencing endoscopic postoperative recurrence (POR) may benefit from antitumor necrosis factor (TNF) agents but scarce data on this are available. Our aim was to assess the efficacy of anti-TNF in improving mucosal lesions in patients with endoscopic POR.METHODS:Multicenter, retrospective, study of patients with Crohn's disease who underwent therapy with anti-TNF agents for endoscopic POR (Rutgeerts score > i1). Treatment outcomes were assessed by the findings in the last ileocolonoscopy performed after anti-TNF therapy was initiated. Endoscopic improvement and remission were defined as any reduction in the baseline Rutgeerts score and by a Rutgeerts score < i2, respectively.RESULTS:A total of 179 patients were included, 83 were treated with infliximab and 96 with adalimumab. Median time on anti-TNF therapy at the last endoscopic assessment was 31 months (interquartile range, 13-54). Endoscopic improvement was observed in 61%, including 42% who achieved endoscopic remission. Concomitant use of thiopurines and treatment with infliximab were associated with endoscopic improvement (odds ratio [OR] 2.15, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.04-4.46; P = 0.03, and OR 2.34, 95% CI 1.18-4.62; P < 0.01, respectively) and endoscopic remission (OR 3.16, 95% CI 1.65-6.05; P < 0.01, and OR 2.01, 95% CI 1.05-3.88; P = 0.04, respectively) in the multivariable logistic regression analysis. These results were confirmed in a propensity-matched score analysis.DISCUSSION:In patients with endoscopic POR, anti-TNF agents improve mucosal lesions in almost two-thirds of the patients. In this setting, concomitant use of thiopurines and use of infliximab seem to be more effective in improving mucosal lesions.Fiorella Canete received a research grant from the Societat Catalana de Digestologia

    Effectiveness and Safety of the Sequential Use of a Second and Third Anti-TNF Agent in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Results From the Eneida Registry

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    Background: The effectiveness of the switch to another anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) agent is not known. The aim of this study was to analyze the effectiveness and safety of treatment with a second and third anti-TNF drug after intolerance to or failure of a previous anti-TNF agent in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients. Methods: We included patients diagnosed with IBD from the ENEIDA registry who received another anti-TNF after intolerance to or failure of a prior anti-TNF agent. Results: A total of 1122 patients were included. In the short term, remission was achieved in 55% of the patients with the second anti-TNF. The incidence of loss of response was 19% per patient-year with the second anti-TNF. Combination therapy (hazard ratio [HR], 2.4; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.8-3; P < 0.0001) and ulcerative colitis vs Crohn's disease (HR, 1.6; 95% CI, 1.1-2.1; P = 0.005) were associated with a higher probability of loss of response. Fifteen percent of the patients had adverse events, and 10% had to discontinue the second anti-TNF. Of the 71 patients who received a third anti-TNF, 55% achieved remission. The incidence of loss of response was 22% per patient-year with a third anti-TNF. Adverse events occurred in 7 patients (11%), but only 1 stopped the drug. Conclusions: Approximately half of the patients who received a second anti-TNF achieved remission; nevertheless, a significant proportion of them subsequently lost response. Combination therapy and type of IBD were associated with loss of response. Remission was achieved in almost 50% of patients who received a third anti-TNF; nevertheless, a significant proportion of them subsequently lost response